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When Do We Need To See A Dentist?

We all know that regular dental checkups are a key component of an effective dental care plan. We need to see a dentist at least twice a year, but most of us fail to do so. Why? Because we are too busy or taking it for granted that everything is fine without teeth. This approach actually doesn’t help and we should make it a point to take care of our teeth all the time. And more importantly we should properly take care of our teeth at every stage of our life.
  1. Babies and infants. Contrary to the popular belief that seeing a dentist is not so important in the case of babies and infants because their teeth will anyway fall out very soon, all health care organizations strongly recommend young moms to show their babies’ teeth to dental specialists. When the baby is 1 year old, start seeing a dentist once per 6 months. Remember that many types of serious dental diseases and problems start at a very young age according to the specialists.  
  2. Children and teenagers. It is a known fact that children and teenagers like drinking Cola and other carbonated drinks, as well as eating candies, chocolate and other foods that affect their dental health to a great extent. Hormonal shifts and changes in the body also sometimes cause serious impact on dental health. Therefore, regular dental check ups are a must for teenagers.  
  3. Adults. Adults should visit the dentists once in every six months. Those who avoid doing so due to personal reasons like dental phobias, busy schedules or any other – should look for effective motivation and reasons to make regular dental visits. Remember that only timely examinations and proper dental care can help to prevent all possible serious dental diseases, including oral cancer, gum disease and many others.  
  4. Older people. Elders should have adequate dental care and visit the dental specialists. First of all, they need to make all efforts in order to keep their natural teeth intact, lower the risks of tooth root decay, prevent gum disease and so on.